Service Fees
Fees will be addressed during the intake process. The fees are as follows. The court order or agreement should address which parent is responsible for paying for the supervised visits. Most of the time, the non-custodial parent is responsible for paying the fees, however, sometimes the fees are split between the parents. The fee responsibility should be addressed in your agreement or the court order. If it is not clear, then the person receiving the service will be responsible for their own fees. The registration Fee is paid by each parent unless the court order reveals otherwise. The Late fees will be paid by the late parent and the court fee will be paid by the parent requesting our court testimony.
Registration/Orientation Per Client $75
Supervised Visits 1st two hours $110
Additional Hours for 1-2 children $35 hour
More than 2 children $40 hour
Late Fee (between 5-15 minutes) $15
Guest Fee $10 per hour (1-2 guests)
Court Appearance Fee $250 (up to 4 hours) $400 more than 4 hours
Holiday Fee $150 (1st 2 hours) $50 hour for each additional hour
Holidays will include Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day, New Years Eve, New Year Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Fourth of July, Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day.
The registration fee should be submitted along with the other required intake documents. On a case by case basis, the agency may allow the clients to pay the registration fee to the supervisor at the first visit.
Fees for court appearances or deposition are due at least one week before the scheduled appearance. Please note: if an appearance request is received without a minimum of one week notice the appearance fee is due immediately. Failure to provide the fee as specified constitutes release from the requested appearance.
Our staff are not forensic evaluators and will not offer opinions regarding whether parent-child contact should continue to be supervised or not, or on the subjective quality of parent-child interactions. Any feedback offered during the course of supervision relates to addressing issues related to supervision. Our primary focus in this regard is on compliance with supervision guidelines in order to insure the emotional and physical safety of the children.